Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Final Impressions

After studying insects and their behaviors in the winter for only a month now, my final impressions have definitely changed  as opposed to my initial thoughts before taking the class. For one, I am not as remotely afraid of insects as I first was. A main reason for this was due to one of the very first classes where I had the chance to hold a Madagascar hissing cockroach. I learned that even though this insect is quite frightening based on its appearance, its behavior towards humans is just the opposite. I also learned that this has to do with most insects. Most insects only harm humans in an act of self-defense if at all, so if we don't mess with them then they tend to not mess with us.

After studying insects I also have more of an interest in them. I don't think my new calling in life is to be an entomologist but I have taken a unique interest in these tiny creatures that I use to ignore in my everyday life. I have a fascination in them and after attaining more knowledge about the insect world I look forward to my encounters with them in the future.

Another thing I have learned about insects is their positive role in this world. I see the beauty of them more clearly after looking at them under microscopes and taking the time to study their anatomy. After studying them, I have also come across numerous insects that are used for medicinal value and treatment for humans.

With this said, insects still have negative affects on humans every day but in reality nature always seems to have its dark side at times. I think I'll always get a little nervous about the thought of what diseases mosquitoes could be carrying or what could result of a spider bite, but I don't view them as terrifying as I first did. I actually think that a world with insects is definitely better than a world without them. I think that part of this was also a result of studying many of the misconceptions about them that brought humans fear and their false first impressions. After studying insects for the past month I can say I have more of an appreciation for their place in this world.

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