Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Beware of the Botfly

This is disgusting but before I talk about the botfly you should know that it is very unlikely to occur to humans and only takes place in Mexico and Central America.

You think you have a mosquito bite. It looks the same, it feels the same, and you even saw the mosquito fly away. You give it some time because as a mosquito bite there isn't much to worry about, but after a few weeks it turns into a lump. Your worried and it appears to be something beneath the surface of your skin. Its the larvae of the botfly.

Botfly eggs are first deposited into the skin of their hosts by mosquitoes. They then grow as larvae beneath the surface of the skin from around 20 to 60 days until they penetrate out and move on with their lives. There is not much harm to the host of these flies except some expected discomfort but pushing them out before they leave naturally can be quite painful.

                                              Botfly larvae with visible spines

I imagine that anyone with a fly larvae under their skin would not want to wait for it to grow, develop, and leave on its own so there are ways to get it out. The larvae actually breaths right at the surface of the skin, so if you cut off its air supply then you can kill it. Placing duct tape over the lump (known as a warble) or covering it with vaseline will kill it ,but then you are stuck with the issue of a dead fly larvae in your skin. From here, in order to extract it you must pull or push it out. This it where it may become painful because the larvae have tiny spines that stick into your skin as you yank it out. Ouch! You gotta do what you have to do though. If you are still interested check out the video below of a compilation of bot flies being removed. Beware! Really....beware!

Video link:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrBOC0HVxag

                                                              Adult Botfly

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Insect Strength!

Many types of different insects each have their advantages when it comes to surviving out their in the open world. To me, its quite fascinating to see how each species applies it's "talents" during its lifespan (which is usually quite short). One of the most fascinating things I have recently stumbled upon is a specific group of insects claimed by many to be the strongest in all of the kingdom. Their strength is incomprehensible to the human mind based on how much they can lift compared to their body weight. The top three strongest insects in our world are the Flea, Rhinoceros Beetle, and the Dung Beetle.

The Flea shows its strength with an impressive jumping ability. The Flea is able to jump 18 cm vertically and 33 cm horizontally. This may not seem like much at first but compared to its body length that is around 200 times the distance. Pretty impressive for such a small creature. The power behind this mighty leap is said to be from the principle of catapult and stored energy where resilin, an elastic material on the hind legs of the Flea, is compressed and released similar to a spring. The jumping is used for the Flea to get high enough to latch onto it's host.


Next is the Rhinoceros Beetle which is one of the largest beetles growing up to six inches. Given its name based on the horns located in the head region on males, this insect uses its horns and incredible strength to dig through leaf litter and soil to escape danger. I'd say digging yourself a hole to escape danger is pretty cowardly, but this insect based on its strength is not a weak one by any means. The Rhinoceros Beetle is able to lift objects 850 times its weight. This would be like a human lifting a 65 ton object!

                                             Horns on the Rhinoceros Beetle 

Lastly is the strongest insect on our planet.....the Dung Beetle. Living in dung (as the name implies) these insects eat the dung for strength. Really gross to think about but it was claimed that these beetles become weak otherwise (good thing they live in what they eat). The strength they occupy is to roll balls of dung to eat/live in or for males to fight one another for females (strength gets the girls after all). Being the strongest insect in the world and strongest animal in the world compared to body weight Dung Beetles can pull an object 1141 times their body weight. This is similar to a human pulling six double-decker buses full of people! Now that is strong!

                                              Dung Beetle pushing a ball of dung

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Master of Disguise

What is that branch doing? Why is it walking? Yeah, its a stick bug. Stick bugs to me are one of the most fascinating insects and surely one of the greatest masters of disguise when it comes to blending into their natural habitat. However, to be a true master of disguise it must come with a life worth of experience and for stick bugs it does just that. Since birth, stick bugs have used camouflage to their advantage. It first starts when the adult female stick bug lays roughly 100- 1500 eggs, depending on the species, that are camouflaged to look like seeds from a plant. This form of camouflage prevents seeds from being eaten, but it is also surrounded with a substance that ants feed on. As a result, the ants take the eggs back to their nest, without ever affecting the embryo, and the stick bugs safely hatch in the ant nest used as protection from predators.

                                                                   Stick bug eggs 

Once hatched, the stick bugs are now nymphs where they grow by molting and they use autotomy (shedding off limbs and grow back with a new molt) to escape from predators. They already look similar to what they will as adults. Nymphs molt roughly four to eight times over a three month period before becoming an adult where they lose their ability of autotomy forever.

                                                                 Stick bug nymph

In the adult stage, the males and females mate to restart the process all over again. Females are bigger than the males due to their larger abdomens used to lay eggs and males actually contain wings in order to help them find a mate. Also, in the adult stage these insects are clearly clever when it comes to disguising in their surrounding. If the camouflage of looking like a stick in a tree isn't enough to avoid predators, stick bugs have also been found to play dead while using their spiny legs as weapons and emitting bad smells. They use their camouflage to their advantage because they are prey to many tree-living animals such as birds and rodents, but even they have a hard time finding these masters of disguise in the insect world.

                                                              Adult Stick bug 

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The World's Biggest Insect!

Something that most of us have probably never had a true desire to see, find, hold, touch, or whatever it may be. Here it is.....the world's biggest insect.

                                          largest bug in the world -Giant Weta

The Giant Weta is said to be the biggest bug in the world. Some may argue that it is the Goliath Beetle with a wing span of 10 inches or the White Witch Moth with a wing span of 12 inches, but according to weight it is considered the largest insect on record. There is no doubt that this insect is a big one. It was found by Mark Moffett on Little Barrier Island in New Zealand where he specifically searched for it. It took him only 2 days to find his prize of this very rare and endangered beast of insects. While feeding it a carrot, he snagged this picture and then later let it go safely back to the tree it was originally found on.


With this image now stained in everyone's mind I'll now try to relieve some of your fear. This insect, although very large and rather terrifying, is no threat to humans whatsoever. It feeds mainly on leaves and is a slow mover. It also can not jump, kick, or bite. Other than its size and hiss as self defense, this insect is not much like the "godzilla" of insect predators you would imagine. It is actually the prey to animals such as moreporks, harriers, kingfishers, and tuatara. It is also said to be one of the most ancient types of land animals. However, its decline in population is accredited mainly to when mice and rats took up residence in New Zealand. The mice and rats made competition regarding food resources hard for the giant weta and some began to actually eat giant wetas as prey. The population of giant weta has been declining more and more each year and with a two year life span continues to decline rapidly. If you get nightmares from this creature then I guess it is comforting to know that they are extremely rare and endangered, but you should still remember that this insect poses no threat to humans, just like the majority of insects in general.

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The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

If you're deathly afraid of cockroaches then this might be your worst nightmare. The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is not only a lot bigger than the average cockroach you might find in your home, but it also hisses (as its name implies). The hissing is created by forcing air through the abdominal air holes, known as spiracles.This hissing is a defense mechanism to warn off other potential predators as well as an effective mating call. Too make things more pleasant, the hissing sound is not quiet by any means. It has been recorded to be as loud as 90 decibels which is similar to your lawnmower or hair dryer. Definitely loud enough for me to not want to pick it up, as if its appearance weren't enough.


Males have horns located on their heads as an easy way to identify them while females don't. The antennae of males are also hairy looking while females are rather smooth. As you can see (look at picture above) these cockroaches are pretty creepy based on their appearance, but there is nothing to be afraid of. You won't have to worry about these insects flying after you since they are wingless, and they are completely harmless to humans. You also won't find them in your house because they are not considered pests. They are actually located in Madagascar ( as its name implies) found in rotten logs on forest floors and eating fallen fruit and  leaf debris. 

It was at the beginning of January this year when I actually got the chance to hold one of these insects. I was a little hesitant at first, but I though it would be pretty cool to embrace the experience (after all it was the biggest cockroach I have ever seen and a picture would be cool). Knowing the fact that they didn't run fast or really move much at all also helped to boost my confidence, so I went ahead and held one. It was cool and I can safely say that there is nothing to be afraid of. Of course, I still get a little freaked out when I'm surprised by a cockroach in my house but I am definitely more understanding and not as afraid of them after the experience of holding a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. 

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Final Impressions

After studying insects and their behaviors in the winter for only a month now, my final impressions have definitely changed  as opposed to my initial thoughts before taking the class. For one, I am not as remotely afraid of insects as I first was. A main reason for this was due to one of the very first classes where I had the chance to hold a Madagascar hissing cockroach. I learned that even though this insect is quite frightening based on its appearance, its behavior towards humans is just the opposite. I also learned that this has to do with most insects. Most insects only harm humans in an act of self-defense if at all, so if we don't mess with them then they tend to not mess with us.

After studying insects I also have more of an interest in them. I don't think my new calling in life is to be an entomologist but I have taken a unique interest in these tiny creatures that I use to ignore in my everyday life. I have a fascination in them and after attaining more knowledge about the insect world I look forward to my encounters with them in the future.

Another thing I have learned about insects is their positive role in this world. I see the beauty of them more clearly after looking at them under microscopes and taking the time to study their anatomy. After studying them, I have also come across numerous insects that are used for medicinal value and treatment for humans.

With this said, insects still have negative affects on humans every day but in reality nature always seems to have its dark side at times. I think I'll always get a little nervous about the thought of what diseases mosquitoes could be carrying or what could result of a spider bite, but I don't view them as terrifying as I first did. I actually think that a world with insects is definitely better than a world without them. I think that part of this was also a result of studying many of the misconceptions about them that brought humans fear and their false first impressions. After studying insects for the past month I can say I have more of an appreciation for their place in this world.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Entomophagy, the act of humans intentionally eating insects, has been practiced by people throughout all ages of human history. However, in the modern world, especially in the United States, this practice has faded away in most peoples' minds. With no reason to have to eat them plus the gross factor of thinking about chewing insects, humans have forgotten all about the benefits of eating these tiny creatures. Truth is you actually eat a significant amount per year unintentionally. Does this gross you out or are you open to having insects in your diet?

Personally, when I hear that I have consumed thousands of insect parts per year in my typical diet it doesn't really bother me that much because there is no way for me to prevent it. I can't even remember a time of when I have ever had an insect in my mouth. For all I know, the fact that I have eaten insects unintentionally could be a big lie to gross me out and I wouldn't know the difference.

On the other hand, I have heard about other people intentionally eating insects as a source of food (not just because their friend dared them). I have never eaten a cricket, ant, grasshopper, meal worm, or caterpillar but I have heard of these being "good" based on the taste of others. For me to eat an insect, I actually don't think it would take much. I never had a need to do so in the past, but if it was already dead and not harmful to my body then I'd be open to eating insects. Depending on how they tasted to me, I would even be open to trying the drastic switch over to insects as my main source of dietary protein.

Switching over to an "insect only" diet would be pretty intense if I had to do it right now, but there are definitely many sellers already out there on the web. If you go to http://www.thailandunique.com/ you can buy anything from scorpions and beetles to BBQ four bug kebabs, and if you like meal worms then I guess you could always turn to www.petco.com as a last resort.

         BBQ Flavour 4 Bug Kebab                                  
                BBQ Four Bug Kebab                                              Meal Worms

There are even some companies/organizations that believe insects are the future to solving global food security. With the population of our world rising and food production needing to increase by 70% by 2050 according to the FAO, insects might be the answer to the problems of the future. I sure hope they taste good!


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